I’m not sure if I need virtual or on-site services.

If you want to get your space organized but just don’t know where to start, virtual is the way to go. It gives you a great jumping off point to get started. Virtual is also the way to go if you want resources on how to organize rooms beyond the kitchen.

On-site is the option for you if you like the added layer of working one-on-one and accountability. Our on-site service focuses on including the whole family and creating a solution that supports the entire family’s dynamic.

How do I knoW if your services are for me?

You want to get organized but you just don't know where to begin​.

  • You're overwhelmed by the thought of having to deal with all your things.

  • You aren't able to hire a professional organizer but still want professional results. (VIRTUAL)

  • You want to spend time with your friends and family, and host events, but you're embarrassed to have people over because of the clutter.

  • You're always late because you spend 20 minutes looking for your keys, phone, wallet, etc. before you leave the house.

  • You start to get organized, and you make great progress, but then a week later everything is a mess again.

My services are NOT for you if:

  • You want your house to instantly look like the picture perfect Instagram Home

  • You don't want to put in the work

  • You aren't dedicated to living your best life ever

What do I need in order to succeed with the virtual services?

Enthusiasm and dedication. All the steps are laid out for you to succeed, you just have to complete them!

What do I have to commit to to work with you (virtual or on-site)?

You have to commit to wanting to improve your surroundings. I will guide you every step of the way, but you have to commit to doing the work and changing your habits for the better.